Saturday, March 21, 2009

Elmos' day out at Gunwharf

WOW What a day Elmo has had today. Today Elmo went out with Val, Jade, Chris, Char and Marcus. We went down to see the HMS Victory (which is the oldest serving naval ship and was Lord Nelsons flag ship at Trafalgar) , went shopping, met a really nice policeman, some great security guards and took lots of pictures. Char even took Elmo up the spinnaker. Boy was Elmo scared but Elmo has some fantastic pictures from his day out.

Did you notice that Elmo has shorts on now too. Elmo was a lil embarrassed when Lauren sent him off with just a lil white suit on, but Val has dressed me in some groovy shorts and pants now too! Now Elmo's bottom won't get cold!

Here are Elmo's pics from today!

Elmo got tired and needed the stroller.. Elmo is only 4.

Yummy yummy yummy (and at this point you know Elmo is not typing the blog!)
This young sailor serves on board HMS Victory.
I posted a letter home to Lauren

Do you think Elmo would make a good sailor?
He would be just as cute as the one from the HMS Victory!

Elmo tested his strength but Elmo is very strong --- BUT Elmo is only 4 he says.

Pushing the elevator button to go up to the Spinnaker

WoW Elmo is up really really high!

Elmo is scared! HELP ELMO!
Elmo was on the glass bottom floor and look at the view! wow
Lucky Char had a good hold of me and told me I was safe!

This local Policeman was happy to pose for a photo with Elmo.. who can resist Elmo! hehehe Elmo knows he is cute!

Well Elmo is sooo tired after a big outing. Elmo has more pics to post of playing with Marcus at home and Elmo will do that later when he uploads more pics. Elmo has a birthday party to go to tonight at the Pub. Elmo hopes they have party food and party hats and a birthday cake too! Elmo likes cake (maybe the man who made the bread can make a cake)

Love Elmo

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