Saturday, March 21, 2009

Elmo goes to the Heron pub

WOW Elmo has been so busy~!!

Elmo thinks he is the most special 'elmo' around!

Let Elmo go back and think bout all the great things. Elmo will start with a night out at the pub with Jade and Chris and all their friends. Elmo met soooo many people and Elmo cant remember every ones names.. but Elmo had fun. Boy do they have some wild friends.
Elmo had fun dancing, giving lots and lots of hugs, leading the Elmo Train, sweet talking the barmaid into giving Elmo a sippy cup of lemonade.

Elmo got a cuddle from an Irish lad and Elmo knew that Lauren would be impressed. Elmo tried to give him Lauren's number but Elmo cant remember that many numbers yet... Elmo is sorry Lauren.

Here are all the pics from the pub

The Elmo Train~

They are trying to feed Elmo beer. Elmo cant drink beer he is only 4.

Dancing with the girls.. Elmo liked the girls~

The cute Irish lad (Elmo knew that Lauren would like him!)
The Barmaid

So Elmo had a great time at the Heron Pub but boy oh boy is Elmo tired.. Elmo really needs to get to bed and have some sleep. Tomorrow Elmo is going out with the family to Gunwharf to see some big big boats.

Nite nite everyone.
Love Elmo

1 comment:

Val said...

Elmo slept like a log lol