Sunday, March 22, 2009

Elmo goes to a Birthday party at the pub!

Hi Everyone!

Wow is Elmo learning to paint the town red in England! These people never stop drinking at the pub.

Tonight I went with Jade and Char to the pub for a birthday party. Well it was 2 boys birthday party. Elmo is not used to these types of parties. Elmo was expecting birthday cake, and party games. There was lots of loud music and Elmo got to have his picture with the band. Elmo thinks Elmo should be a rock star!

Here are some pics from the pub party.

Elmo is a rock star~~!~!

Elmo dancing with the pretty girls.

This mean boy was going to punch Elmo.. luck Jade saved Elmo~

Elmo is off to a castle shortly so Elmo had better get some rest. Elmo had a great time at the party and just wants to say Happy Birthday Mike!

Love Elmo


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