Friday, May 28, 2010

Elmo is relaxing at home

Hi Everyone!
Wow, Elmo is so glad to be back home with Lauren after Elmo did all that travelling. Elmo has been busy washing all of Elmo's clothes and blankets, unpacking the huge box of goodies that all of Elmo's new friends bought for Elmo and just relaxing.

Tonight Elmo got to have a wash and now Elmo is relaxing on the couch, tucked up nice and warm with the Kentucky Wildcats blanket that Eric sent home. Elmo thinks the blanket is really warm and Elmo says Thank you Eric.

Elmo and Bailey (Lauren's dog) got to have a snuggle up on the couch. Bailey still isn't too sure about Elmo but Elmo thinks Bailey is kinda spoilt!

Bailey and Elmo on the couch, snuggled up close.

Bailey saying 'go away woman with that camera and just leave us alone!'

Elmo snuggled up under his Wildcats blanket.

Well tomorrow Elmo is off to Elmo's first AFL game. Elmo is going with Margie, Lauren, Ben, Steve, Rhonda, Dan & Lindsay!! What a big day it will be and Elmo really has no idea what the game is and who Elmo needs to be cheering for! So Elmo thinks its times for Elmo to go to sleep and be prepared for a reallllllly big night out.

Bye for now



Nerddette said...

Let's hope Elmo knows more about AFL than Tertia did ... here's hoping Lauren is more patient with Elmo than she was with Tertia ...

Unknown said...

Come on Tertia, would it be possible to know less about AFL than you did lmao.