Wow what an amazing nite Elmo has had out at River Fire..
Elmo got to meet Rob and we went to see Margie (Elmo thinks Margie worked far to hard).
Elmo, Lauren and Rob walked around a big boat. Rob tells Elmo that its called the HMAS Dimantina. Elmo got to sit on a big gun! Elmo thinks that was fun. Elmo, Lauren and Rob had sasuage in some bread and then Rob told Elmo that the F 1-11's were coming! Elmo thought everyone was excited but Elmo still didnt know what it was all about! (boy does Elmo have some things to learn). Then wosh.. Elmo heard a noise and looked up and this plane came flying accross and had a fire in his bum (hehe Elmo said Bum!).... and then all these pretty lights started shooting up in the sky. Boy it was loud, but lucky Elmo was cuddled up with Lauren and Rob so Elmo wasnt scared. Elmo liked it when they made the fireworks in the shape of a love heart... Elmo thought that was sweet.
Elmo, Lauren and Rob got to talk with Margie for a lil bit, but she was still toooo busy. Margie took me inside and I sat on a big green thing... Elmo thinks it was a torpedo or something.. Elmo will have to ask Margie next time he sees her.
Here are some pics of Elmo at the fireworks.. and sitting on the big gun on the ship. Rob did tell Elmo what the gun was, but Elmo isnt good with numbers past 10 yet.
See what shirt Lauren has on.. she must really love Elmo to wear my face!
Well everyone, Elmo is really sleepy, its been a big day for Elmo and Elmo thinks its time for bed. Thank you Margie and Rob for takeing Lauren and Elmo out for a wonderful nite.
Love Elmo
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