Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Elmo goes to trivia

Tonight Elmo and Lauren went to trivia at the Glen with Tertia. Elmo has to say, Lauren and Tertia really have no idea about soccer. They put ELMO as the answer to the questions! Really Elmo does not play soccer!! Once again Tertia and Lauren did not win but Elmo had a great time listening to them debate the answers.

Elmo and Tertia getting ready for trivia

Elmo sitting on the table at trivia

Elmo and Tegan the wonderful barmaid who makes soda water and lime for Lauren so well.

Donny the Quiz Master and resident DJ with Elmo. He was really nice and let Elmo spin some tunes.

A bar dude and Elmo

Everyone always loves Elmo and wants their picture with him. This guy was from New Zealand and is heading back home tomorrow but wanted a cuddle with Elmo first.

Elmo and Tertia concentrating so hard on writing the answers for trivia.

So Elmo had a great time but boy it is a late night. Elmo needs to get to bed after all that hard brain work.

Night night everyone

Love Elmo

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