Elmo has been enjoying some nice time at home with Val. Val had a lil back trouble, so Elmo and Val got to stay in for a bit and just rest. After all the sight seeing that Elmo had been doing, Elmo thinks this was a great idea!
Elmo has been doing a lil bit more sight seeing with Jade and Char. Here are some pics that Elmo got to take with the camera. Elmo thinks he is growing up now that he can use the camera.

We went to Winchester which used to be capital of England very long time ago. This is Westgate and was built by the Romans.

This is a Statue of a Hampshire Hog, It's what the people of Hampshire are called if you are born there. Elmo thinks thats funny!!!

I went to Canoe lake and Jade, Chris, Charlotte and Marcus. Elmo got to go on a Swan Peddle boat.. boy is Elmo glad he didnt fall in~!

There were some people there with model boats so Elmo took some pictures. This is HMS Invinsible, the helicopter on the back of the ship rotors went round.

Elmo is in a Portsmouth FC goalie's kit. Elmo was all ready to go but Elmo couldnt get there in the end. Elmo watched the game on TV though. (Elmo still doesnt understand the game.. Elmo likes AFL much better )
Well Elmo is just about to say goodbye to England. Elmo has a few more days here then he is going off to Canada to see Max. Elmo says a big THANK YOU to Val, Char, Jade, Chris, Dunkan and Marcus for making Elmo's time in England so much fun!
Stay tuned for more updates when Elmo hits Canada and gets to see all the fun things there.
Love Elmo