Well Elmo went to the D-Day Museum today at Southsea. Elmo got to climb on a big big tank. Elmo thinks the troops who are deployed are really brave men and women to be in one of them.
Elmo had a fun day but boy was it cold!
Elmo thinks he needs a jumper on!
Elmo had a fun day but boy was it cold!
Elmo thinks he needs a jumper on!

Elmo is on a tank used at D-Day

Elmo with a statue outside the D-Day Museum in Southsea

This big gun, its so big You can hardly see Elmo sitting on it.

This is Southsea Castle, Char told me it was built by Henry VIII.

These are the battlements but Elmo didn't go to see them cos it was to cold and windy.

Elmo with Char at the gateway

Char and Elmo by the moat

Jade and Elmo by the moat

Elmo thinks the tank is really really big!

Elmo liked the light house, but Jade and Char wouldn't let Elmo climb it!

Jade, Elmo and Chris with the big gun.
Well Elmo had a great day out again with Char, Jade and Chris. Boy does Elmo think they are pretty neat people. Elmo is getting more and more excited about going to the football and cant wait to see the RED team win.. hehehe Elmo is cheeky
love you all